
Obviously a project such as this -- done as it should be - is a costly venture. Your contributions are essential as we continue production beyond our sizzle reel. It's truly community journalism in the new virtual Internet world. We all live in one giant, global village and are ever more dependent on each other, and yet have incredible opportunities to help ease the struggles of others.

Your donations now will help cover the expenses of reporting, filming and production. 

Imagine, with your contribution, how much good can be done.  Documenting on film, the untold story of  three generations of Trinity downwinders, could help lead to health and environmental assessments and federal legislation that would recognize them for their sacrifices and help compensate them for medical expenses and suffering -- if one can truly be adequately compensated for having an atomic bomb detonated in one's backyard.

Your donations, made through our 501c3 nonprofit fiscal partner, New Mexico Film Resources [NMFR] based at Santa Fe Community College, are completely tax-deductible.

Through community partnerships with professional filmmakers and film industry businesses, NMFR builds relationships that create work-force training opportunities for students. NMFR strongly believes that to learn, we must do the work on a job site, whether it’s in a formal educational setting or an informal one. NMFR is dedicated to learners of all ages and committed to the education of the next generations of filmmakers in New Mexico.